Saigoh Takamori: Revere Heaven, Love Mankind Reality ( Saigoh Takamori: Kei Ten Ai Jin no Shinjitsu )

Yoshimasa Moribe

Saigoh Takamori read the Bible. In his memoirs, a servant of samurai warrior and educator Saigoh Takamori said Saigoh gave the Old Testament and New Testament to him. The Bible was in Chinese since there was no Japanese translation yet. Saigoh possibly got it from American missionary G. Verbeck who came to Nagasaki in 1859 and later visited Kagoshima with Bibles and other Christian books. Love your Enemy. In the Bible are the words of Jesus Christ, who said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44) This idea is contrary to any teaching Saigoh would have heard before. Yet after the Boshin War to restore the emperor to power, he advocated forgiving those who had fought against him. The Bible had influenced his thinking in this way. His teachings to the common people were compiled in a book, The Dying Instructions of Nanshu (which was his poetry pen name). His famous motto was "Revere Heaven, Love Mankind." We too need to worship the Creator God and love people. This is the most important thing for humans. Package of 50.

Issued date:2018年04月19日
Price:¥825(tax included)