Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - What Does Th ( Sekai Heiwa Toitsu Katei Rengo – Kyu Toitsu Kyokai wa Nani o Oshiete Iiru Noka )

Pascal Zivi

Donations to huge debts, Nisei issues, cozy relationships with politicians, etc. Why do serious problems occur? What is it that drives the members to act? What is the source of the doctrine of the Principle of Unification? The book analyzes and criticizes the doctrine of the "Principle of Unification" as the source of the problems. The book is based on the “Fundamental Principle”, a wealth of supported documents, and testimonies from former members. A must-read for anyone interested in the Cult issue. A5 size, 110 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04452-9 ¥900+

Issued date:2023/08/20
Price:¥990(tax included)