Introduction to Christianity - Listening Around The Bonfire ( Takibi o Kakonde Kiku Kirisuto Kyo Nyumon )

Shinichiro Oozu

Basic questions about Christianity and the Bible will be answered in an interactive format by Pastor Daito or invited guests with experience on the topic. It is beneficial for Christians as well as for those who are starting to take an interest in Christianity and seeking more information. Q&A includes such topics as “What is virgin conception? Isn't it a fantasy?”, “What's a book of Revelation? I am not very sure about the language it uses.”, “I'm a Christian, but I still get angry easily.”, etc. These are from a unique and popular series published in The Gospel of a Million for three and a half years. Forest Books. B6 size, 192 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04406-2 C0016 ¥1,300+

Issued date:2023/05/25
Price:¥1,430(tax included)