Knowing Me, Knowing God ( Jibun o Shiri, Kami o Shiru )

Richard Brash

Christ Bible Seminary Theology Series. Here are six theological keys to Scripture: 1. God is not like us; 2. God has made us like himself; 3. We cannot comprehend God; 4. God makes himself known to us; 5. Our sin separates us from God; 6. God overcomes sin and makes us his own. In each of these there are seemingly irreconcilable elements that are both true. With each concept the implications for believers’ daily lives are explored. How can systematic theology transform believers? By taking it seriously as a way to know God and know ourselves, so that we can be helped to eventually participate in God’s own glory and blessedness. Discussion questions accompany each chapter. Includes glossary of theological terms and indexes. B6 size, 248 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04343-0 ¥1,600+

Issued date:2022/05/01
Price:¥1,760(tax included)